Friday, January 25, 2013

First Stop: Bali

After 28 hours of travel time, a stop in Hong Kong and a stop in Singapore, I made it to Bail!  It's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. 

I'm staying with Jackie, a family friend. This is her amazing Villa Sawah in Ubud. 

Today I hopped on a motorbike and took a ride around the town! Definitely one of the coolest things I've ever done!

Shopped at an organic farmers market where we bought some rambutan (spiky fruit above) and some veggies.  I also tried passionfruit for the first time which was super sour! We bought some anyway.
Went to a new coffee shop in town, Anomoali Coffee. I drank the Papua Wemena coffee which was delicious. 

Then Jackie and I came home to a friendly bunch! Snowy, Olive, and Lessie. 

Not a bad way to start this new adventure.


  1. This is just incredible! It is wonderful to see the photos! I especially love the one of you with the helmet.You look so relaxed and rested all ready. What a pleasure to see. I can't wait to read about your journey every step of the way! Love the name of your blog! :)

  2. Nadine. YOU ARE SO WICKEDLY AWESOME WOOOOO. How much fun was riding a bike??? :D so much fun right?

  3. wow ur trip seems amazing so far!! looks like uve have great weather too. and those spikey fruits look awesome! i want one :)

  4. I love this! I'm glad to see you are settling in just fine. :) Keep sharing these amazing memories with us! I can't wait for your next update!

  5. Glad you're all enjoying my blog! I'm definitely settling in here :) but I LOVE to hear from you guys!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Nadeany beany! How proud we all our of you. Look at you!! You look so peaceful and happy. I love how you have found what is special about Timor and given it a catch phrase. So honoring and respectful of the people and land. Now~ "that's Nadeany"!

    Love you to the moon and forever! Muah Muah Mauh!
    Auntie Jessie


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