Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dogs & Crocodiles & Rabies! Oh My!

I went to Chicken on a Stick tonight at the beach.  You can get a chicken skewer for $0.25 each, a small basket of rice for $0.25, a ear of corn for $0.50, and a coke for $0.50. I was full for $2.00 which is the cheapest meal in Dili.


I was enjoying my dinner until a pack of dogs surrounded us and eagerly waited for a fallen morsel. Some even tried to bully their way around to get me to throw a piece of anything their way.  This was all very unsettling because Tracey was bitten by a dog a few days ago! She was walking down an unfamiliar street and a dog came up from behind her and bit her calf. No warning, just suddenly, pain and gushing blood. She then had to get a series of rabies shots;  not only were there 8 shots with huge needles but it cost a whopping $1500! We managed to shoo the dogs away as much as possible and eat quickly. Despite having to be cautious of the hungry dogs, it was still cool to see the view of the island from where I was sitting. I've heard that the island is shaped like a crocodile but every time I looked at a map I really had to think abstractly to see the crocodile shape. Until I sat out on the beach and looked at the east end of the island. I was shocked to see that it was completely shaped like a crocodile! Can you see it? 

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